Matt Brown on Fighter Pay: ‘We, the Fighters, Are Partly to Blame’

Matt Brown on Fighter Pay: ‘We, the Fighters, Are Partly to Blame’

Retired UFC fighter Matt Brown, now focused on building his businesses, including a gym, reflects on the complex issue of fighter pay. Despite acknowledging that UFC fighters are underpaid relative to the organization’s revenue, Brown believes the situation is more nuanced than simply blaming the UFC. He argues that fighters themselves, including him, share the responsibility for not demanding better pay or standing up to the organization.

During his 16-year UFC career, Brown rarely contested his pay, understanding that challenging the UFC might not lead to better compensation. He draws comparisons to other sports leagues, noting that UFC’s business model and lack of a fighters’ union make it difficult to negotiate better pay. Brown also emphasizes that fighters should use their UFC platform to build their brand and secure financial stability outside the octagon, as seen with high-profile athletes like Conor McGregor.

Brown remains uncertain if a long-term solution for fairer fighter pay will emerge but advises current and aspiring fighters to view the UFC as a stage to enhance their brand rather than a sole source of income.


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